Friday 2 December 2011

Andrew McCallum Crawford - 'Gimlet' in Spilling Ink Review 7

Well pleased to have my story, Gimlet, in issue 7 of Spilling Ink Review.

A cracking sound. A crack and a jolt. He opened an eye. It must have been his head off the step. Marble. There was no pain. How did he get here? He’d climbed three flights and he was outside his gaff. He leaned over and dug the key out of his pocket. It was buried under a wad of coins and banknotes.
The place, in darkness, stank of old shoes. He managed to open the balcony door. He staggered to the mattress and collapsed. Old shoes and newsprint. Joss sticks.
The Weeping Song.
He reached over and pulled the phone out of the wall.
Oh, Matt.
Pissed again.

You can read the complete story online here.

Nick Cave gets a mention. He's singing this:

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